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Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy ~ Class of 2024


Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy ~ Class of 2018

FLEYA Graduation

Saturday 6/24/17 was the culmination of the 2017 Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy – the graduation ceremony took place on Yale’s West Campus and was well attended by students, parents, FLEYA alumni, law enforcement, the FBI, and our Association.

Charlie Grady, as the master of ceremony made it clear this endeavor includes a great collaboration between FBI, Yale and law enforcement, as well a unique opportunity for the students. Their keynote speaker was Connecticut’s first US Attorney, Deidre Daly, who clearly understood the spirit of the Academy and provided inspiration to students and attendees. All of this was preceded by a dignified color guard, who marched out the flags and we all stood for the pledge of allegiance.

During the luncheon, Charlie thanked our Association and had Annabelle, Bob and Elizabeth stand to applause. Senator Richard Blumenthal said some encouraging words and the FBI had its resident DJ setting the mood with music.

The FBI hung a banner with the FBI, FLEYA and CAAA logos.